Chapter 2

Kunwar Sa (Prine) Rudraksh Singh Ranawat Jodhpur stood at the entrance of his ancestral palace, the sounds of music and laughter echoing through the grand halls. He had just returned to Jodhpur from London after successfully setting five branches of Ranawat Enterprises there in London. As the soon-to-be king of Rajasthan, he felt a sense of responsibility and excitement to reconnect with his family and learn about his future kingdom.

As he entered the palace, he was greeted by the sight of his uncles, aunts, and their children all gathered around a large table, enjoying a feast fit for a king. Rudraksh's eyes lit up as he saw familiar faces and also some new ones, as his cousins from his mother's side had joined in the celebrations.

Amidst the chaos and chatter,  spotted his grandmother Surekha Adhiraj Singh Ranawat, the Maharani of the family. She was seated at the next head of the table to her husband Adhiraj Singh Ranawat, who was holding a great authority, power, respect, responsibility and making sure everyone's plates were full. Rudraksh walked up to his grandparents and bowed down to touch their feet, a sign of respect and love in his culture.

His grandmother embraced him in a warm hug and kissed his forehead. 'Welcome back, my dear Rudra. We have missed you dearly,' she said with tears in her eyes. His grandfather patted his dear grandson's back and he said proud of you my Sher (Lion) for setting up five branches successfully in London.

From a young age, Rudraksh was taught the ways of the kingdom by his parents. King  Abhimaan Singh Ranawat a wise and just ruler, who believed in governing with fairness and compassion. Queen Akshata Abhimaan Singh Ranawat, on the other hand, was a kind and gentle soul who was loved by all for her generosity and grace. Together, they instilled in Rudraksh a sense of duty and responsibility towards their people.

As Rudraksh grew older, he began to take on more and more responsibilities within the kingdom. He would attend meetings with his father, learning the intricacies of diplomacy and governance. He also spent time with his mother, helping her organize charitable events for the less fortunate. Through these experiences, Rudraksh developed a deep understanding of the needs of his people and a strong desire to make a positive impact on their lives.

Despite his busy schedule, Rudraksh always made time for his younger siblings. He was a loving and protective older brother, always looking out for Abhimanyu Singh Ranawat and Yuvika Singh Ranawat, his cousins (Jignesh Pratap Maheshwari and Jigisha Pratap Maheshwari) his aunt children (bua) and Shivansh Singh Ranawatand Shivangi Singh Ranawat his uncle children (chacha). He would spend hours playing with them in the palace gardens, regaling them with stories of far-off lands and thrilling adventures. The bond between the siblings and cousins was unbreakable, and they were each other's closest confidantes and allies.

He searched for his parents and siblings he asked his uncle "Kaku sa Maasa aur Baapu sa kahan hai"? His uncle replied "beta bhai sa aur bhabhi maa kuch kaam se Chittorgarh gaye hai char panch din ke liye kal laut aayege"

(Son Brother and Sister in law went to Chittorgarh for four to five days die to same work and will be returning back by tomorrow. )

Rudraksh looked around and noticed how his grandmother had aged, but her fiery spirit and love for her family were still the same. He also saw his uncles (Rajendra Singh Ranawatand Abhay Pratap Maheshwari), who had always been like father figures to him, and his aunts (Anushka Rajendra Singh Ranawatand Ambika Abhay PratapMaheshwari), who had taken care of him like their own sons. He felt a sense of belonging and happiness to be back in the midst of his joint family.

As the night went on,

Rudraksh caught up with his siblings and cousins and exchanged stories about their lives. He was amazed by how much his younger cousins had grown and how they all had unique personalities and dreams. They were all born in the digital age and

Rudraksh found himself learning from them about social media, technology and their outlook on the world as a much he was not aware aboit this types of things as he was to busy with his office things only.

One of his cousins, a teenager named Shivangi, showed him a video of a traditional Rajasthani dance that had gone viral on the internet. Rudraksh was impressed by how his culture was being celebrated and shared globally because he himselfloved his culturevery much. He couldn't help but feel proud and grateful to be a part of such a rich heritage.

The next morning, Rudraksh woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the smell of incense wafting through the palace. He joined his family for breakfast in the courtyard, where they sat on beautiful handwoven carpets and cushions, enjoying a traditional Rajasthani breakfast of kachori, kulfi and masala chai.

As they ate, Ratan's grandparents shared stories of their ancestors and the history of their kingdom. She also spoke about the challenges and responsibilities of being a king and how important it was to keep their family bond strong.

Rudraksh listened attentively, taking in every word and feeling a deep sense of connection to his roots. He had always been fascinated by history and his

grandparent's stories only deepened his interest.

Later on, he went for a walk around the palace with his younger cousin, Shivansh. As they explored the palace gardens, he asked him about his branches in London and if he was ready to become the king of Rajasthan. Rudraksh smiled and ruffled hia hair. 'It's still have fre times away from coronation, Shivansh. But I am always learning and preparing for it,' he said.

Shivansh nodded, looking at him with admiration. 'I can't wait to see you as our king, bhaiya (brother), he said, using the term of endearment for an elder brother.

As the days went by, Rudraksh spent time with each member of his joint family, bonding and building relationships with them. He also attended meetings with his advisors and visited nearby villages to understand the needs of his future kingdom. By the end of his visit, Rudraksh felt a deep sense of love and responsibility towards his joint family. He knew that they would always have his back and he would do everything in his power to take care of them and the people of Rajasthan.

Rudraksh was filled with a sense of pride and gratitude for his joint family. He knew that they were his biggest support system and he couldn't wait to see what the future held for him as the king of Rajasthan.

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